
Hossein Amirraiahei Barred Over Unauthorized Discretionary Trading Investigation

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FINRA barred former Wells Fargo Advisors rep Hossein "Amir Riahei" Amirriahei of the firm's Los Angeles, California branch following an investigation into allegations that he conducted discretionary trading without authorization.

AWC #2016051344401

According to Amirriahei (CRD #2121350)'s BrokerCheck report, Wells Fargo Advisors discharged Amirriahei for employing and executing discretionary trading activity in two customer accounts without the requisite written authorization to do so, as required by FINRA and the firm.

FINRA elected to permanently bar Amirriahei over the unauthorized use of discretion after Amirriahei refused to cooperate with the regulator's investigation into circumstances surrounding his termination from Wells Fargo Advisors of Los Angeles.

If you have invested with former Wells Fargo Advisors representative Hossein Amir Amirriahei or with any broker or financial adviser whose unauthorized use of discretion or inappropriate trading activity in your account—such as excessive or unsuitable trades—has proven harmful to your investments or interests, please call The Law Offices of Jonathan W. Evans & Associates at (800) 699-1881 for investigation and consultation.

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