
Merill Lynch Fires Senior VP Marc D Lowe of the $2.5 Billion Vilardo, Lowe & Associates Team for "Inappropriate Workplace Behavior"

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Brokerage firm Merrill Lynch dismissed Los Angeles Senior Vice President Marc D Lowe, who as a broker oversaw $2.5 billion in client assets in Southern California for what the firm is categorizing as "inappropriate workplace behavior resulting in loss of management's confidence."

As of July 22, FINRA records did not indicate any termination for cause or due to allegations, nor any other disclosures or complaints lodged against Lowe. Although records indicate Merrill Lynch discharged Lowe on July 9, the firm's page for the Vilardo, Lowe & Associates Financial Advisory Team still indicated Lowe as part of the advisory staff several weeks later, complete with his biography and a contact phone number.

In 2011, Barron's estimated Lowe was responsible for managing approximately $5 billion in assets.

The InvestmentNews quoted sources as stating that disagreements between Lowe and Merrill Lynch senior management predated his termination and confirmed with both Merrill Lynch and Lowe himself that despite being listed on the Vilardo, Lowe & Associates team webpage, Lowe is no longer associated with Merrill Lynch. Lowe's BrokerCheck report similarly lists an end date of July 2015 for his association with Merrill Lynch.

If you have invested with Merrill Lynch's Vilardo, Lowe & Associates team, and have experienced inappropriate financial behavior or a change in investment strategy after the personnel shakeup that has not been in your best interests or true to your investment objectives, and this has proven harmful to your investments or interests, please call The Law Offices of Jonathan W. Evans & Associates at (800) 699-1881 for investigation and consultation.

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